Monday, March 19, 2012

World Building On Paper

This is the view from my writing desk (indoor version, right hand side, not beloved backyard writing desk, see summer 2011 posts) and these many piles of sketchbooks and pages are the world of Any How Town in paper form, not the three dimesnsional world that I've been building, those photos will be the rest of this weeks posts.
At the back is the ever developing rough version of the map of the downtown of the city, at some point, maybe in the summer I'll draw a proper detailed version for you to see, but for now I keep moving buildings around as they need to be moved to fit the progress of the stories so I'm keeping it rough.
On the bottom right are the "character cards" that I started drawing way back in 2009 (see the earliest posts at this blog)  when AHT was going to be a graphic novel and though the focus of the stories has changed, the characters have not.
NOTE: If you're going through this with younger children, there are some swear words on the character cards, remember, AHT used to be a more mature themed story.
The big blue folder on the top is BOOK TWO of the series and I can't wait to start ripping through that book, it's so much fun. And finally the comic books are the first issues of ,"Wolverine and The X-Men" which is written by Jason Aaron and is a great, fun read and it's attitude is very similar to the narrative voice that I'm using to write AHT. The art is by Nick Bradshaw and looks great, I really reccomend picking it up and since they're only at about Issue. #7, it would be cheap to grab back issues or read it on your tablet.
In the next couple of weeks I'll be able to take all the drafts of Book One off of this table and file them away in the vault, but fear not, more piles of notes and the continued writing of BOOK THREE will soon fill the space left behind.
Any inquiries or questions about AHT or the models I've been building can be sent to me at the address below, have a great Monday.
A.Shay Hahn

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