Monday, March 19, 2012

Romantic Advice from the folks of Any How Town UPDATED

This is Denny Stinson, some folks call him Death's Head behind his back. Now there is no nice way to say this, Denny lost his lips in the war and it's made him a little crazy. He's a good kid, he's killed more people for this country than anybody and for that we owe him our gratitude, and TWO drinks, no more or we have to go fetch his brother Wash from over at the Church, either that or we have to call the Baldy's and Denny HATES the Baldy's - so we don't call'em.He knows some good jokes, funny ones, real funny.
As reported by "Twenty Fossil Duncan"                                              
  MARCH,19 2012 Update
I have no idea why this reposted up here at the top of the blog, but I'll use this glitch to explain what I've been doing. When I'm taking breaks from writing the first book in the series I'm also going back through 175 posts and taking out all the curse words. This series is for folks of all ages (maybe eight and upwards) and I don't want this blog to be the cause of any uncomfortable utterings from their children.
It has been funny to go through the early posts and really get a feeling as to how different the tone was when Any How Town was going to be a graphic novel and aimed at an audience of fifteen and older. The current story is told with the children as the main characters who are ten and eleven so even the character descriptions as relayed by other citizens in Any How Town read as much more mature .
Hope that clears things up.
A.Shay Hahn

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