Monday, February 4, 2013

Popsicle Stick Building, adding texture

Here's a quick and easy way to make your builds really pop and all it takes is some fine sand and glue. Most Dollar Store's sell fine sand in their craft sections, get a bag, store it safely in a jar or something so it doesn't spill everywhere and get to work on this simple technique.
First lay down some glue on your wall, floor, vehicle, whatever it is you're building, then take a paintbrush (a crappy one you don't mind ruining) and dip it in your water. Spread the glue around evenly on the wall and then sprinkle the fine sand over top of the wet glue. You can also take your brush and spread the sand around evenly. Once that's done you can leave it to dry.
Move onto base coating (yes, you hate it, we all do) and when the base coat is dry take a colour that's just a tone darker than your basecoat and lightly, oh so lightly, dry brush over the wall and the paint will stick to the sand giving your build depth and texture.
A.Shay Hahn

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