Saturday, February 18, 2012

Building Popsicle Stick Windows

To build these window screens just go to the kitchen section of your local Dollar Store and buy the coffee stirrers, you get about 150 for $1.00 so you should be able to make quite a few of these. For the above sections of this build I used popsicle sticks to make sides for the pieces to make them look like grates. I want light to have more to do with the dioaramas when I actually start staging and shooting them and so these give great variation with light sources. As you can see the ground is just busted up ends from popsicle sticks, the walls are popsicle sticks placed to look like bricks and there are some stacked cubes added to give variations and support to the grates. I haven't painted it yet but this is a great basecoast colour as the look I'll be going for in paint is more of a Gears of War look, or maybe film noir, I haven't decided.

In the Any How Town series there are only about sixteen more pages to go until we're finished this draft of Book One. It feels great to get this close to having one book completed, it's a solid draft, now I'm just coordinating all of the players for the final confrontation and making sure I know where everyone is and what they're doing. Will be working through the weeked, at 40 000 words now and hope to hit 50 0000 on the 20th, since it isn't going to happen this weekend.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email at
and remember to check out the mad craft shoppe to see what artwork I have for sale or just follow along on facebook at Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe) page.
A.Shay Hahn

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