Friday, July 5, 2013

Character sketches and process

I realized that for the next little while I should just focus on sketches of characters who will appear in the first book of the AHT series. The top drawing is Sinawa Rainland, who is Eaglet's Mother, she is seen wearing the standard poncho and facial markings of the Sinawa people who live in the Green Points forest.
The second drawing is the town engineer Janvia Magetal, the first female engineer the town has ever had. I really like the Yankee pinstripe style of her coverall and it's become a motif for city workers in AHT, it's also very similar to the uniforms worn by the convicts at Lance Head Prison - maybe this is a coincidence maybe not, you'll have to read the books when they come out.
It's always a challenge with these posts about revealing too much, there are some aspects of the series that seem like the books are aimed at a younger audience than the MG level of reading, but as more information and characters cross paths with Oliver and Eaglet the more sinister elements and themes of AHT start to show themselves.
All for now,
A.Shay Hahn

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