Monday, January 28, 2013

Big News and Verbal Nonsense edition

Hey folks back again for the second post of the day, I am very happy to announce that I have finished the fourth and final draft of the first book of the Any How Town series. I have contacted one agent with a query letter and hope to hear back from them soon.
I guess for the rest of the week I'll be,working on the second draft of Book Two which is in great shape and I suppose its time to get it seriously solid and beefed up, just in case any one asks to read it next month..
If the agent that I contacted happens to come to this blog to see what I've been building and drawing let me first say hello and assure you that you'll love what you see here. I love AHT I adore the characters and the crazy troubles that they stumble upon.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was on TV yesterday and it really got me back into finishing the first book, the Indiana Jones films have the sense of fun and action that I think best describes these books, also the Goonies film, it's been too long since there's been a movie like the Goonies and of course Stand By Me, but Stand By Me as filtered through Steam Punk tinted glasses. Perhaps it's strange to cite films instead of books when discussing AHT but those are the closest kin that I can think of, it's adventure, adrenaline and discovery.
watch your step, it's grey and mushy out there
A.Shay Hahn

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