Wednesday, April 18, 2012


10x12inches,acrylic on canvas, framed


Me and Thor don't have alot of history together, I was never a fan of the comic and I was always bewildered by the fact he was a God, he should have kicked much ass in the Marvel Universe and yet when the character began I always felt like he was just another Bruce Banner. Thor was trapped inside Donald Blake and he had to sneak around and bang his little stick somewhere in order to release the God. Too similar to Shazam or Superman or the Hulk, etc.

I didn't mind the film, it had it's moments but really in my view of the Marvel Universe Thor is one of the upsetters, they always have to make things cosmic or bring in someone from Asgard to fight him because he's just too strong for the rest of the Marvel Universe. Give me Iron Fist any day over the Gods and that includes Hercules and Ares and whoever else is running around.

The Enchantress was always a bore and the Executioner had great design but still should have kicked major tail, of them all I liked Fandral (?) best, the blue guy with the horns on his hat, geez, it's Asgard who doesn't have horns on his hat?

Also Surtur and I think Ulik had great design too.

That being said there were some good battles on Asgard, the Art Adams illustrated X-Men, New Mutants crossover over is the best view of Asgard ever published and the issue where Thor fought the serpent (Ragnarok?) and each page was a full panel was incredibly good.

A.Shay Hahn

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