Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Hero and some other folks

The Donmark patient, my constant companion, she just washed up on the rocks one day, battered and beaten and so beautiful. The Aucassin boys brought her to me, half alive and full of seawater, they found her just out past the shelf. I hated to have to cut her hair off, but her head was so cut up, I was like sewing up a baseball. We've put up notices everywhere, but no one has come. So there she lays still, and beautiful, like a flawed painting.
from the notes of Banyah Butler, M.D

Ah Geez, The Dep, thefishblackenpants, the Baldy, The Poo Diggler, The Deep Sea Dip Stick, I spend so much quality time with this nutter I can see right through him, well, I can see through lots of things, like time and the colour green, when the moon is at a certain tilt in the sky he looks like a skunk or half a hot crosss bun or a black and white photo of a black and white photo...someday they will write a song about Black Fish, but you can't see it, it will be way deep down in the water, where the moon looks like a stripe.
as relayed by "Remover Jacobs"

Of the three Medina Brothers, Saner is my favourite, he asks me to help him go on all kinds of errands to find things that people need. Some of the crates even have his name on them, which is rare. I know his brothers Sane and Saneste don't approve, maybe that's why he lives in the Hotel and the other two are lawyers, I don't know, family is complicated.
Brinker Ellis
He's a great boy, a war hero you know, just like all those boys that Commander Hulks sent after the Gargans at the Last Charge. I feel for him too, he's real sensitive about those scars. I don't have the nerve to tell him he wasn't that pretty to start with. But if you need a friend or someone to lend a hand, in Any How Town you can't do much better than Brinker Ellis.
Time McGavin, Editor of the Fallen Informal

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