Thursday, February 19, 2009

Encore avec les "folks"

Stenhouse Newhouse was a soldier in the First Good War, a member of one of the founding families of Any How Town, he was ambushed by a Gardan Raiding Party, beaten and left for dead. He was nursed back to health in the forests of Any How Town by badgers and skunks. He does venture into Any How Town to have a few beers and tell you just what the badgers and skunks think of you, which isn't much apparently.
There are few people I fear in Any How Town, I've seen too much to be afraid anymore, but I am deathly afraid of Mother High Dispaten, the true leader of the Gargan families that live in AHT, she's a bonafide war criminal who walks these streets uncontested. Many of tried to kill or apprehend her and collect the sizable reward on her head, none have succeeded.
Eaglet Rainland loves to come into AHT from the Green Point's forest and ask people questions, she's fascinated with all aspects of life in AHT. She's a bit of a mascot to us, that's a good thing as many of us need someone innocent in our lives.
the Donmark Patient is talking in her sleep.
A.Shay Hahn

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