Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Families

Creator's Note: Obviously I got up way too early today to start drawing anything, and all of my drafting markers are kaput so after this I'm going back to bed for a quick nap. The original intention here was to illustrate the three major families in AHT, this is what I ended up with - a ridiculous boy band cover. Instead of throwing this out, I decided to post it, although the more I look at it the more it reminds me of that sort of lifeless stuff that had passed for comic art in the early 80's. OK I will have to redo this and post them side by side. I'm embarassed but the drawing stays.

From Left to Right

Stinson - The Stinson family is one of the largest families in AHT (see Denny "Deathshead "Stimson, Wash Stimson, Dolliver Stimson Jr.) primarily known as farmers, there are also many Stinson's that live in AHT proper, it's joked that the reason the Army chose the outskirts of AHT for a base was not it's proximity to the Gardan States across the sea but for the sheer number of Stinson's available to conscript.

Aucassin- The Aucassin are a large clan of fishermen who live on the outskirts of AHT. (See Quatro, Red) Originally from the State of Florenz that borders the Gardan states, the Aucassins left their hostile neighbours to settle here. Few of them speak English, they keep to themselves and rarely mix with anyone from AHT except to sell or trade their catch. The Aucassin's have a reputation for being pirates and scavengers, but this has yet to be proven.

Clan Lampo- Like the Stidson's the Lampo clan is tied the fabric of AHT by sheer numbers .(See:Resolu Lampo, Administer Lampo, Mama Ken, Banyah Butler, Lamar Giraud Lampo) The Lampo clan are known as incredible soldiers, ritually scarring their heads as a rite of passage before going off to fight in THE LAST GOOD WAR. It is rumoured that the Lampo's Elder, Mama Ken, has the power to raise the dead for periods of time, this has never been proven.
(I really wanted to write more here, but I'm whipped.)
A.Shay Hahn

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