Monday, September 26, 2011

Jewelry Box Conversion Steps One and Two

Hey there folks, sorry I feel like I've been away too long, but I have been building consistently while I wait for my very special purchase to show up (still! geez.) that I want to add to three or four diorama pieces to really make them come to life, yes I know, you can't wait, but I should have them up some time this week. While I've been patiently waiting for the postman to come I began this Dollar Store conversion,
 PHOTO 1) Dollar Store Jewelry box found in the craft aisle $1.25 I intially thought to do a diorama that actually folds back into a box and believe me I will but there were two "sets" I wanted to do first for fun

PHOTO 2) The plexi sheet was an off cut that I got from the shop I build frames in (see blog "The mad craft shoppe" in the links section) it's going to be for a cool underwater base, which may have nothing to do with the Any How Town stories (or does it ?). Those great "pipe"things I use all the time and they are from a game that is available at some more exclusive dollar stores, they have become indispensible for making sets and buildings look real, the devil is truly in the details because they are a pain to use woodglue on and if you build with them you may have to use a different product, like an all purpose glue, I'll post of a photo of that stuff next week, if anyone is interested in these tutorials.

PHOTO 3) Here's the other half of the Jewelry box which I want to eventually have look like the inside of a giant Big Ben Type clock, I just need to track down some gears or things that could pass as gears and of course the base coated underwater base.

All for now, back to work, we'd love to hear from you
A.Shay Hahn

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