I've learned to never walk away from a cool dollar store purchase, I'll just inevitably end up obsessing about buying the item (or items in multiples). Yesterday I saw these great "Action Hunter" sets for a dollar each and knew I needed a couple not for the figure but for two great items. 1) the giant spiked collar which I know I'll be able to use on some animal builds and 2) EGG CLUTCHES! look at these great textured egg clutches (I told you it was the word of the day) so I quickly grabbed them and ran home to get to work painting them up. I used the same dry brush method explained in the Cliff Jumper post (see below) and ended up with these as the finished product. Now I would love to post the animal these belong too but it would be giving away too much. I made some new rules and rule #1 is Don't post anything until the story is written! That's right we are working on the Any How Town stories and hope to have one finished by the end of the summer and then I'll decide whether to publish it digitally for sale or search for a publisher. But for now you'll have to just be satisfied with hints along the way.
A.Shay Hahn
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