Friday, February 22, 2013

Popsicle Stick Mansion

So here's a tip, if you're going to commit to building something this large, you have to go all the way. When I look at this photo I don't see what I've done, I see what I still need to do. To really sell the creation it has to be complete, I have to finish the whole railing on the stair bannister, it has to be there, if not, where did it go? Did bannister thieves take it and run off? You can't fake it, you can't go half way, you have to build the whole thing.
It's a pain in the buns, I thought I'd been finished at least one of these by now - nope, not even close.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm really looking forward to next week and doing some transcribing.
Also head over to the "mad craft shoppe" and see that we're having a SALE on work at the Press Club.
ain't you lucky,
A.Shay Hahn

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