Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Building A Popsicle Stick House, Final Steps before painting

So it's time for the trickiest part of building a wee house - attaching the roof. In the post below you can see the beginings of the roof, it's longer than your average popsicle stick, I staggered the pieces to fit across the runners and then added other pieces to fill in the gaps (See Photo #5, last post). Once this is dry you can lean it against the two notched posts that are above the door and back wall, if you need to add another popsicle stick for support go ahead. Once you have the roof glued into place add some more glue to make sure it's secure. I think of using glue like a welder does, add to spots that need more support, once it's dry and secure move onto the next step which you can see in the first photo - filling in the gap between the notched support and the roof, just break off angled bits of popsicle sticks and fit them into the spaces, as you can see it took about four pieces to fill this space in.
 Final Steps - Attaching the door, I used my screwgun with a 1/16 bit to drill two holes in the door and two corresponding holes in the door frame. I took some skinny picture wire and threaded it through the holes then twisted it off with the leaterman to secure it.
 Final Steps - Do another quick tour around your popsicle stick house. Are there any loose spots ? If there are feel free to reinforce these parts with either some more glue or glue another popsicle stick into place to add support.
 It looks like your house is now ready to paint!
A.Shay Hahn

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