Saturday, March 24, 2012

Building A Popsicle Stick Garage, Hillbilly Style

This is a two or three part post with these pics I wanted to show how to build a simple, but really great looking, weathered and beaten down building, something you might stumble upo if you were lost in a swamp.
As you can see from this pieces is made of three things, popsicle sticks, tongue depressors and some really skinny dowels or broken off barbecuse skewers.
What really sells this a a mouldy shack is how it's painted, just adding that mouldy green (made of yellow ochre and a bit of black) to give a sense that lichen is growing on the metal shed.
The first picture is a front view, the second is the back where you can see it follows a lot of the same principles I demonstrated in the "Build A Popsicle Stick House" tutorial.
The side views help show how breaking some of your sticks/depressors, can give a look of something old and beaten up or assembled from scraps.
The base is covered as always in the end bits from popsicle sticks and other leftovers, glued in place and then basecoated with a brown/green mix and then certain pieces were highlighted to pop them out.
The only trick for this build was the roof, I took two tongue depressors and put them side by side and then covered them lightly with glue, I wrapped them in paper towel and let it dry. This made a "hinge" that I was able to attach to the top of the roof to give it a slant. Very easily done and looks great.
In the Any How Town Book Series I am almost finished Book One, the action has hit its peak and over the next few days I'll be polishing the ending making sure the tone is right and every question that was brought up in the beginning of the book is answered, well, not every question, the mystery of course continues into Book Two, Three and Four.
Speaking of Book Three and Four I was able to also get alot of writing done in Book Three and Four yesterday evening and there is some great stuff that will be coming in those books and I can't wait to get to them.
Send us your queries, comments and your own popsicle stick photos, I'd love to see them.
NEXT POST ; Back garden photoshoots!
It's windy out there, keep your hats on!
A.Shay Hahn
follow me on twitter or "like" my fb page "Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe)"
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